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SaveIt Easy file copy program - Freeware


The Program

Because backup programs can take quite some time, we sometimes wait too long to create a backup.

Save-it can be used to quickly copy folders including all sub folders to any location, for instance a second hard drive. Just create one or more source lists for the folders you are working on.


 arrowSaveIt 108c 


Windows 95/98/98SE
XP Home/Professional

Saveit program imageDescription

Run Saveit when you think a quick copy should be nice to have, if done on a regular basis this only will take a few minutes.

Never lose your pictures again, just create a source list for your image folders with Save-it and run the list before you are editing or deleting images.

Save-it is not a replacement for your current backup/restore program, Save-it is just a simple folder copier.



Version 1.08C
Ignores daylight saving time difference between NTFS and FAT drives.
English lanquage added
Bug when renaming source lists fixed.

Version 1.08b and older
Dutch versions only

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